Recent publications by EnviEFH Consortium:

  • Fernandes R, Valavanis VD (2007). Development of a GIS-based Tool for Interfacing and Manipulation of Time Series 4D (3D + Time) Marine Datasets. Proceedings of the 13th EC-GI & GIS Workshop, European GI Policy, European Commission, July 4-6, 2007, Porto Portugal.
  • Tsagarakis K, Somarakis S, Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Valavanis VD, Palialexis A, Papaconstantinou C (2007). Habitat discrimination of anchovy and sardine in the Aegean Sea in relation to fish size. Proceedings of the 13th Panellenic Congress of Ichthyologists, Mytelene Lesvos, Greece, Sep. 27-30, 2007.
  • Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Valavanis VD, Palialexis A, Somarakis S, Tsagarakis K, Papaconstantinou C (2007). Spatial modeling of the European SARDINE habitat in the Eastern Mediterranean basin using GIS tools. Proceedings of the 13th Panellenic Congress of Ichthyologists, Mytelene Lesvos, Greece, Sep. 27-30, 2007.
  • Tsagarakis K, Somarakis S, Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Valavanis VD, Palialexis A, Papaconstantinou C (2007). Preliminary analysis of the habitat characteristics of anchovy and sardine in the Aegean Sea in relation to fish size. Proceedings of the 38th CIESM Congress. International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, April 9-13, 2007, Istanbul Turkey.
  • Katara I, Illian J, Valavanis VD, Pierce GJ (2007). Mechanisms modulating teleconnection patterns in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the 38th CIESM Congress. International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, April 9-13, 2007, Istanbul Turkey.
  • Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Valavanis VD, Somarakis S, Palialexis A, Tsagarakis K, Papaconstantinou C (2007). Spatial Modeling of the European Sardine Habitat in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin Using GAMs and GIS Technology. Proceedings of the 38th CIESM Congress. International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, April 9-13, 2007, Istanbul Turkey.
  • Brown AM, Bellido JM, Valavanis VD, Giraldez A (2006). Spatio-temporal shifts in the distribution of the Spanish Mediterranean pelagic community in relation to environmental influences. Proceedings of the ICES Annual Science Conference 2006, Sept. 19-23, 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands. ICES CM 2006/O:13.
  • Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Valavanis VD, Somarakis S, Papaconstantinou C (2006). Estimating the potential habitat of the European anchovy in the Eastern Mediterranean basin using GIS. Proceedings of the 136th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society: Fish in the Balance, Sep. 10-14, 2006, Lake Placid, NY.
  • Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Valavanis VD, Somarakis S, Papaconstantinou C (2006). GIS mapping of the potential habitat of European anchovy in Eastern Mediterranean basin using GAMs. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Jun. 26-30, 2006, Patras, Greece.

    Related literature by the EnviEFH consortium:

  • Arvanitidis C, Bellan G, Drakopoulos P, Valavanis V, Dounas C, Koukouras A, Eleftheriou A (2002). Seascape biodiversity patterns along the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: Lessons from the biogeography of benthic Polychaetes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 244, 139-152.
  • Arvanitidis C, Koutsoubas D, Robin JP, Pereira J, Moreno A, Cunha M, Valavanis VD, Eleftheriou A (2002). A comparison of the fishery biology of three Illex coindetii Verany, 1839 (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) populations from the European Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 71(1), 129-146.
  • Belcari P, Sartor P, Sanchez P, Demestre M, Tsangridis A, Leondarakis P, Lefkaditou E, Papaconstantinou C (2002). Exploitation patterns of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Sepioidea, Sepiidae), in the Mediterranean sea. Bulletin of Marine Science 71(1), 187-196.
  • Cartes JE, Rey J, Lloris D, Gil de Sola L (2004). Influence of environmental variables in the feeding and the diet of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) on the Mediterranean Iberian coasts. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84, 831-835.
  • Fiorentino F, Bertrand JA, Ferrandis E, Garofalo G, Gonzalez M, Politou C-Y (2002). Identifying the main nurseries of hake, greater fork-beard, deep water pink shrimp and broadtail shortfin squid in the Mediterranean using MEDITS trawl survey data. In: J. Bertand (ed.) International Bottom Trawl Survey in the Mediterranean. MEDITS - Survey 2000. Final report. IFREMER/IMBC/NCMR/IEO.
  • Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Palialexis A, Somarakis S, Valavanis VD (2005). Investigating the spatial distribution of European anchovy using GAMs and GIS. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, Aug. 22-26, Shanghai, China.
  • Georgakarakos S, Haralabus J, Valavanis VD, Arvanitidis C, Koutsoubas D, Kapantagakis A (2002). Loliginid and Ommastrephid Squids Prediction in Greek waters using Time Series Analysis Techniques. Bulletin of Marine Science 71(1), 269-287.
  • Gonzalez M, Sanchez P (2002). Cephalopods assemblages caught with the trawling along the Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean coast. In: Mediterranean Marine Demersal Resources: The MEDITS International Trawl Survey (1994-1999) P. Abello, J.A. Bertrand, L.Gil de Sola, C. Papaconstatinou, G. Relini and A. Soplet (eds.). Scientia Marina 66(2), 199-208.
  • Kapantagakis A, Valavanis VD, Georgakarakos S, Palialexis A, Katara I (2002). Analysis of fisheries catch data in relation to temperature anomalies in SE Mediterranean using GIS. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, Sep. 3-6, Brighton UK.
  • Martin P, Sabates A (2004). Increasing abundance of the round sardinella, Sardinella aurita, related to the warmings trends en el NW Mediterranean. Rapports Commission Internationale Mer Mediterranee 37, 396.
  • Maynou F, Lleonart J, Cartes JE (2003). Seasonal and spatial variability of hake (Merluccius merluccius) recruitment in the NW Mediterranean. Fisheries Research 60(1), 65-78.
  • Olivar MP, Catalan IA, Emelianov M, Fernandez de Puelles ML (2003). Early stages of Sardina pilchardus and environmental anomalies in the northwestern Mediterranean. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 56, 609-619.
  • Olivar MP, Quilez G, Emelianov M (2003). Spatial and temporal distribution and abundance of European hake, Merluccius merluccius, eggs and larvae in the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). Fisheries Research 60, 321-331.
  • Pierce GJ, Wang J, Valavanis VD (2002). Application of GIS to cephalopod fisheries: workshop report. Bulletin of Marine Science 71(1), 35-46.
  • Pierce GJ, Wang J, Zheng X, Bellido JM, Boyle PR, Denis V, Robin J-P (2001). A cephalopod fishery GIS for the Northeast Atlantic: development and application. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15, 763-784.
  • Sabates A, Recasens L (2001). Seasonal distribution and spawning of small tunas (Auxis rochei and Sarda sarda) in the northwestern Mediterranean. Scientia Marina 65(2), 95-100.
  • Sabates A, Salat J, Maso M (2004). Spatial heterogeneity of fish larvae across a meandering current in the northwestern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research I 51, 545-557.
  • Siakavara K, Valavanis VD, Banks AC (2000). Mapping of NATURA 2000 marine benthic habitats using remote sensing techniques. Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation, Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), October 2000, Ajaccio Corsica.
  • Tsangridis A, Sanchez P, Ioannidou D (2002) Exploitation patterns of Octopus vulgaris in two Mediterranean areas. Scientia Marina 66, 59-68.
  • Valavanis VD (2002). Geographic Information Systems in Oceanography and Fisheries. Taylor & Francis, London.
  • Valavanis VD (2002). Applications of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing on Marine Habitats and Ecosystems. Panel Report, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, Sep. 3-6, Brighton UK.
  • Valavanis VD, Drakopoulos P, Georgakarakos S (1999). A Study of Upwellings Using GIS. Proceedings of CoastGIS99 International Conference GIS and New Advances in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, September 9-11, 1999, Brest, France. IFREMER.
  • Valavanis VD, Georgakarakos S, Haralabous J (1998). A Methodology for GIS Interfacing of Marine Data. Proceedings of GIS PLANET 98: International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-11 September 1998. IMERSIVA CD-ROM.
  • Valavanis VD, Georgakarakos S, Kapantagakis A, Palialexis A, Katara I (2004). A GIS Environmental Modelling Approach to Essential Fish Habitat Designation. Ecological Modelling 178(3-4), 417-427.
  • Valavanis VD, Georgakarakos S, Koutsoubas D, Arvanitidis C, Haralabous J (2002). Development of a Marine Information System for Cephalopod Fisheries in the Greek Seas (Eastern Mediterranean). Bulletin of Marine Science 71(2), 867-882.
  • Valavanis VD, Kapantagakis A, Georgakarakos S, Katara I, Palialexis A (2002). GIS mapping of marine species feeding grounds through analysis of satellite imagery. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, Sep. 3-6, Brighton UK.
  • Valavanis VD, Kapantagakis A, Katara I, Palialexis A (2004). Critical regions: A GIS-based model of marine productivity hotspots. Aquatic Sciences 66(1), 139-148.
  • Valavanis VD, Katara I, Palialeksis A (2002). Spatiotemporal relations between anomalies in sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration in Hellenic Seas (SE Mediterranean). Proceedings of the SPIE Nineth International Symposium on Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology, 23-27 September 2002 Crete, Greece. pp. 651-658.
  • Valavanis VD, Katara I, Palialexis A (2005). Marine GIS: Identification of mesoscale thermal fronts. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(10), 1131-1147.
  • Wang J, Pierce GJ, Boyle PR, Denis V, Robin J-P, Bellido JM (2003). Spatial and temporal patterns of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) abundance and environmental influences: a case study using trawl fishery data in French Atlantic coast, English Channel and adjacent waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science 60, 1149-1158.
  • Zheng X, Pierce GJ, Reid DG, Jolliffe IT (2002). Does the North Atlantic current affect spatial distribution of whiting? Testing environmental hypotheses using statistical and GIS techniques. ICES Journal of Marine Science 59, 239-253.
  • Zuur AF, Fryer RJ, Jolliffe IT, Decker R, Beukema JJ (2003). Estimating common trends in multivariate time series using dynamic factor analysis. Environmetrics 14(7), 665-685.
  • Zuur AF, Pierce GJ (2004). Common trends in northeast Atlantic squid time series. Journal of Sea Research 52, 57-72.
  • Zuur AF, Tuck ID, Eiriksson H (2003). Dynamic factor analysis to estimate common trends in fisheries time series: A beginner’s guide. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60, 542-552.