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  • Robin J.P., Koutsoubas, D., Moreno A., Denis V., Arvanitidis C., Cunha M., Pereira J., Kotoulas G., Magoulas A. & P. Shaw, 2000. Global patterns of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758 (Cephalopoda, Sepiidae) stocks in the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean: an integrated overview. Millenium Cephalopod Conference, CIAC 2000, Aberdeen, 3-7 July 1999, (Abst.)

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  • Valavanis, V.D., Georgakarakos, S., Koutsoubas, D., Arvanitidis C., & J. Haralabus, 2000. Development of a Marine Information System for Cephalopod Fisheries in the Greek Seas (Eastern Mediterranean). Millenium Cephalopod Conference, CIAC 2000, Aberdeen, 3-7 July 1999, (Abst.)

  • Wang, J., Pierce, G.J., Boyle, P.R. Zheng, X. and J. M. Bellido. 2000. the northeast atlantic cephalopod marine Fishery gis: development and applications. Proceedings of GISRUK (abstract). 5-7 April, York, England.

  • Wang, J., Pierce, G.J Boyle P.R. and Zheng X.. 2000 Spatio-temporal Pattern of Cuttlefish Abundance and Environmental Influence in English Channel and Adjacent Waters. Submitted to CIAC2000. 5-7 July, Aberdeen, Scotland.

  • Wang, J., Pierce, G.J. Boyle, P.R. Zheng,X. Bellido, J.M.and Jolliffe, I. 2000 Spatial Patterns of Squid Loligo spp. Abundance in the Northeast Atlantic: Classification and Environmental Influence. Submitted to CIAC2000. 5-7 July, Aberdeen, Scotland.

  • Wang, J. Pierce, G.J. Boyle, P.R. Zheng, X. and. Bellido J. M. 2000 A GIS system for northeast atlantic cephalopod marine Fisheries. Submitted to CIAC2000. 5-7 July, Aberdeen, Scotland.